Going Directly Authorised

Members' stories

Each year we help hundreds of firms to leave their network - no one else has our level of expertise. Stories from just some of the firms we've supported are detailed below:


"In a world of image-is-everything, I have come across many a recruitment agent over the years. Promises not fulfilled, comments not substantiated, systems/procedures that don't manifest themselves. Instead what I have found with SimplyBiz is, above all, integrity. What you have said has been based on experience and knowledge and, accordingly, has been based on facts. Facts that have, of course, transpired to be true. The ability to rely on those who know what the DA application process is all about is impossible to cost, but important to value."

Derek Avenell Dip PFS BEng ARSM, Hawthorn Financial Services


"I always expected to become directly authorised myself one day, but those plans were accelerated by various market changes, instability and concerns in the network model. My firm had reached a place where I required the extra control and flexibility becoming DA affords and, having engaged SimplyBiz, I’ve been able to retain the support parts of being an AR that I valued most.
"SimplyBiz has helped me with the FCA application process, setting up, maintaining and reviewing my systems and controls and my client proposition. SimplyBiz’s investment proposition will save thousands of pounds, many hours and underpin a key area of our proposition. I would have no hesitation in recommending SimplyBiz as their friendly and knowledgeable staff provide me with exceptional service."

Bode Ayanwuyi, Blackstar Finance


"As a SimplyBiz member I now am working with a company that, in my opinion, not only provides far better services than Tenet ever did, but in doing so they also provide better value for money on every service. I cannot tell you how good it is to speak to people who want to help rather than criticise. I could not be happier with my decision to become directly authorised and to use the services of SimplyBiz."

Paul Morris, Metro Financial Solutions LLP


“I would recommend that anyone contemplating the journey towards direct authorisation enlists the assistance of SimplyBiz. They are veterans of the direct authorisation application process and have succeeded thousands of times at taking firms through to successful authorisation. SimplyBiz made the whole application process less stressful and easier to manage, particularly when it came to corresponding with the Regulator."

Clive Webb , CW Capital Management


"Thank you so much for your help with becoming directly authorised – it’s been so much easier than I thought.  You have all been so helpful and professional and I am still quite stunned by the support from SimplyBiz. Whenever I ring up, the response is always more thorough than I would have expected."
"I really am very, very pleased I joined - here’s to a bright new future."

Alison Treharne, Shore Financial Planning


"I wanted to put on the record how grateful we are for the support, advice and help we have received from our application manager, Tim Prest, and all the team at SimplyBiz.  If we've ever made one absolutely, 100% correct business decision, never to be questioned or re-considered (even with the benefit of hindsight) - employing the services of your firm would be it!" 

Chris Lee, Lee Financial Planning


"We decided to leave the network because we felt that in the latter years we were just a number and it was beginning to feel like being back at school!  I have to say that the SimplyBiz approach is totally refreshing and that we feel in control of our own business again, whilst still having a good robust compliance support provider to guide us. We have since recommended SimplyBiz to other colleagues and would have no hesitation in doing so again."

Grant Kingston, Braintree


The latest from SimplyBiz

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12 July 2024

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08 July 2024

FIBA announces partnership with Grant Thornton

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