Congratulations to FIBA UK, part of SimplyBiz, which has welcomed SWIG Finance to its lender panel! Congratulations to FIBA UK, part of SimplyBiz, which has welcomed SWIG Finance to its lender panel!

16 Apr 2024

SWIG Finance is the latest addition to FIBA's lender panel, following the recent appointments of Foundation Home Loans, Lloyds Bank, and HSBC. It can support growth-orientated businesses based on their potential rather than collateral and

works closely with clients and introducers to ensure it fully understands even the most complex of borrowing needs. SWIG Finance is a responsible lender which accesses capital for lending from ethical sources and lends within a sustainable framework.

Click here to read the announcement in full, including commentary from FIBA's Chair, Martin Reynolds, and SWIG Finance's Senior Business Manager, Nicola Parker, in today's IFA Magazine, here

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